Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-02-23 [Yudan333]: Crush smiled gently, "... only us..."

2006-02-23 [kagome-180]: Sora was walking around enjoying the senery

2006-02-23 [DELTA 1]: blitz jumped out of a bush and tackles her "BOOOOOO"

2006-02-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: Isis came out of the brush and stumbled across some wolves

2006-02-24 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to all the random wolfs and shook her head.

2006-02-25 [DELTA 1]: blitz walks up to yudan and licks her snout "so how many wolves are there?"

2006-02-25 [Yudan333]: "um... 3... unless you cound crush and katira... " She noticed they were human at the moment.

2006-02-25 [My Sky's The Limit]: she wagged her tail "where did all of ya'll come from?"

2006-02-25 [Princess Mononoke]: San sat on the ground. Mono layed down.

2006-02-25 [eyes of frost]: katira smiled to herself. 'What are you thinking about us huh/"

2006-02-26 [DELTA 1]: blitz cracked his neck it was real loud "MAN my neck is KILLING ME"

2006-02-26 [Yudan333]: Yudan nuzzles his neck and it soothed. Crush smiles, "everything good..." he was thinking about pups and blushed lighlty.

2006-02-26 [eyes of frost]: 'What is so good that it has you blushing?"

2006-02-26 [DELTA 1]: "thank you very much yudan" blitz nuzzled her affectionately

2006-02-26 [Clive Scorch]: Felil dragged the dead cougar back to camp and laid it on the ground letting the younger one's eat first while he limped away to lie and try to mend his wounds.

2006-02-26 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Felil, "Are you alright?" She wondered. Crush smiles gently and ran his hand over her cheek, "I love you Katira."

2006-02-27 [Princess Mononoke]: San crossed her arms and turned her back to the pack. She looked away. "Mono, theyd ont even care that we are back. Maybe we should leave forever."

2006-02-27 [eyes of frost]: Katira smiled and got up. She walked over to San and boxed her ears. "Of course I care that your back you little whelp!" She looked to Mono. "Nice to have you back."

2006-02-28 [Princess Mononoke]: San sighed. "Nice to see you to Katira." San said smiling. She had a huge anime sweat drop. (You know the huge ones anime ppls use!) Mono smiled. "Its nice to see you again too."

2006-02-28 [Yudan333]: ((FYI to all memebers go to Dens@Wolfs United

2006-02-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: walks up to Felil "you ok?" she looked at his leg

2006-02-28 [GIXXER]: hey can i join as a soilder wolf plze

2006-02-28 [eyes of frost]: ((Biker, go to the character form and don't post here.)

2006-03-01 [GIXXER]: done that

2006-03-02 [eyes of frost]: katira walked back to Crush and sat down. Cry was peeking behind the trees at them. She wondered what it was that was going on between them. "I am so confused."

2006-03-02 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to her gently and nods, he yawned lighlty and leaned back a bit and fell to the grass ground and sighed deeply in relief.

2006-03-02 [eyes of frost]: Cry got up and started for Yudan's den. Yudan was the only one she felt safe with.

2006-03-02 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to Katira and smiles lighlty, "Everything alright?"

2006-03-02 [eyes of frost]: "Mm." She smiled up at him. "Why could you not kill me? Aren't you supposed to follow orders?"

2006-03-03 [Princess Mononoke]: (Dens are complete!)

2006-03-03 [Yudan333]: Crush tensened up at the mere question. He lowred his head looking down and away, he'd rather not speak of it. "True... i am loyal and follow orders... but i won't kill you..." There was more but he didn't seem willing to finish.

2006-03-03 [eyes of frost]: "Why won't you kill me?" She wanted to know the answer. "I want to know."

2006-03-03 [Yudan333]: he looked to her deeply, "Because the moment i entered this valley... this place... I sensed i would meet one wolf that would change my life forever... and it was you... I couldn't because the instant i saw you, i fell... i fell in love..." He looked down a bit, he felt odd telling his feelings he never really had any. He was like the cold metal steel that ran through his veins, emotionless and still.

2006-03-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz turned human and pulled out his pistol unloaded it and sat it down next to him and yudan "that thing hurt my side i need to pur it somewhere"

2006-03-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan gently nuzzled his side with her muzzle, "you ok?"

2006-03-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz didnt say anything "i think im bleeding"

2006-03-05 [eyes of frost]: She smiled slightly. "It's say things like that....and even harder to hear I think I know how you feel." She looked up at the stars and smiled. "Grarg." She got up pulling Crush with her and led him to the pond.

2006-03-05 [eyes of frost]: Cry came out of Yudan's den and sat under a huge tree. She layed down and sighed. "Some wolves...I swear they would have ben better off with the geeky wolf squad. Away from here."

2006-03-05 [Yudan333]: Crush was pulled by her and soon was following at her side letting her lead him, he looked over to her wondering what was going through her mind.

2006-03-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz took the holster from hisside the holster was wet with a red substance on it "yep im bleeding"

2006-03-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira got into the water and pulled Cursh along with her. She smiled and dove under the water. She came back up and laughesd. "I love the water. Even though it's cold it is peaceful and calming."

2006-03-05 [eyes of frost]: Cry sighed.

2006-03-05 [DELTA 1]: ((he didnt follow you he was sitting with yudan))

2006-03-05 [Yudan333]: He stood there and watched her. He stood where he could stand watching her carefully.

2006-03-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira smiled. "Join me!"

2006-03-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz nuzzled yudan

2006-03-05 [Yudan333]: Crushe steps deeper into the water so it was to his neck and stops. Yudan sat quietly her mind wandered a bit.

2006-03-05 [eyes of frost]: ((Aren't you two supposed to be in her den?)) Katira smiled and swam over to him. 'To bad you sink...It's really nice."

2006-03-05 [Yudan333]: ((that's what im saying! XD lol *lost* lol)) Crush sighs, "i can feel the water fine from where i stand..."

2006-03-05 [DELTA 1]: "you pk yudan"

2006-03-05 [Yudan333]: Yudan backs off and took off to her den. Disappearing

2006-03-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz chased after her

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: "No you don't get it...It's nice to swin...and feel it flowing all over." She laughed and splashed him a little.

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: Crush jerked his head back trying to avoid the water, "oh... i see..." He backed up a bit getting to higer ground and stopped where the water was just below his shoulder.

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: "Hey...i was only messing around!!"

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: He looked down into the water and looked up. He sensed rain. He looked to the clouds also sensing lightning. "Come out of the water Katira..."

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: "Why?" she looked up and saw the storm clouds. "Alright..." She wadded towards him and got out and sat down on the cold ground.

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: He sighs in relief glad she listened, he starts stepping out of the water in a hurry then fiannly out he sighs in relief.

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: katira looked at him and sighed. She looked at the ground and then sprawled out on her stomach resting her head on her arms.

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: He tilted his head looking at her and blinks a bit.

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: Katira let herself dry off and her eyes closed as she listened to the soft rain fall around her. Rain was so calming...that was if you weren't feeling depressed. But...the rain also brought memories. Horrible memories. Like the day she ran for her life with born. eyes still closed she spoke so faintly she wasn't sure she heard herself. "What...did they do...with her?"

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: Crush looked at her not knowing if she was talking to herself or him. He ran his hand down her back gently and massaged her sofly.

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: She looked at him. 'What...did they do...with my baby girl?"

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: Sadly Crush rolled her over onto her back and layed over her, the rain fell on him and didn't touch her. He looked deep into her eyes in sorrow. He ran a hand over her face then kissed her lips gently.

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: "Is she still alive? Or did she fianlly give herself over....?"

2006-03-06 [Yudan333]: Crush sighs lighlty and hugs her.

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: "Just answer me straight Crush. If she is alive still...I am going after her."

2006-03-06 [Raiyr]: ((What's happened?))

2006-03-06 [eyes of frost]: ((Nothing other then katira and Crush talking about katira's lost daughter.))

2006-03-06 [Raiyr]: ((Hm, okay..))

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush sat up and stood slighlty walking away, he leaned on s tree gripping his head, "Then go after her..." his voice sounded a bit stressed.

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "She looked at him and then got up putting her hands on his face forcing him to look at her. "She is alive?"

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush looked away, "I Don't KNOW!" He pushed he back lighlty. He knew her pain but he couldn't help but feel like he should go and leave her so that she could try to find her daughter that probably may be dead.

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "Well then...there is nothing to find." She looked at him and sighed. She turned around and sat. "You weren't going to help me were you?"

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: He sighs and looked back to her and looked down at her as she sat. "If you wanted it... I would help you..." He looked at her gently. Now he felt stupid, though he knew her to be rather independant. Maybe she wouldn't want his help is all he thought.

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "If I would have would have? Well nice to know someone wants to help me..." She smiled to herself. There was hope she was still was not worth it. Her daughet would not know who she was...or what she was...

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush kneels down and rubs her shoulders gently. "I'm here if you need me..."

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "Good." She wanted to see if...if Shuna-Da was alive...but...she didn't want to go back there...she didn't.

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: (9Katira's den ish almost done!! Go take a look!))

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush kissed her neck lightly and hugs her.

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "Should...should I go see if she is alive? you think...she would come here?"

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush sat beside her and looked over to her eyes, "If she seeks refuge she will show up here... trust me..."

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "They won't let her me." She leaned against him and sighed. She knew they wouldn't let her go. Shuna would have to escape...and then they would hunt her. They would come to this peaceful place and...there would be nothing left. Darsha and Yudan wouldn't be able to protect it. Katira couldn't even protect her own kin..."I haven't...though of her since the night you gave me back what they took from my body..."

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush nods and kissed her forehead, "where... where is it that they had you..."

2006-03-07 [eyes of frost]: "In a lab...I don't know for how long they had me...they just had me until I tried getting away with my baby. They won't let her go without coming after her Crush."

2006-03-07 [Yudan333]: Crush stood up and tilts his head down, he turned his back to her and consintrated lighlt as if making a large life decision.

2006-03-08 [DELTA 1]: blitz caught up with yudan "yudan wats wrong honny"

2006-03-09 [Princess Mononoke]: San laughed. "Blitz and Yudan are dating!?!?!"

2006-03-09 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono nipped at her. "That'll be enough from you young lady."

2006-03-09 [DELTA 1]: blitz whimpered "so at least i have yudan what do you got young one"

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at Crush and put her hand on his shoulder. 'What's the matter Crush?"

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: "I'm leaving for a few days..." He looked back to her deeply. He worried for her and her saftey. "Stay with the pack... please just allow me this time..." He looked to her he wondered if she knew what he was going to do.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: "Why are you leaving?" she thought for a minute. 'You are not going to resue her are you? By yourself?" She looked at him with a worried look on her face.

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: He looked down at her deeply. "I will if that's what makes you happy..." He turns and started walking away. He felt as though she would follow but he didn't want her to. He didn't want her in danger.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira got to her feet and started walking behind him. "Your not going alone..." She put her hand on his shoulder looking at the ground, her hair covering her face. 'You shouldn't be going at all...." She looked up at him. "I will go...she is after all my daughter. And if she's not alive...then I will just come back here." Katira kissed him softly and hopped up to the trees and started to run. Hopefully...he didn't follow her.

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: He sighs deeply and followed on foot on the ground. "You can't loose me so easily... i dont want you indanger... I wont leave your side... you need me..."

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: "I may need yo ubut that does not mean I want you in danger. Go back...I lived there for enough years I should know the lay out..."

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: He didn't speak, he only picked up his pace, he wouldn't leave her even if she had hated him he'd still take the bullets for her, being her shield. He looked ahead not talking to her.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: She stopped and looked down at him hanging from a tree branch. 'If you are going to follow me gte up here and do it. they don't check the trees...and besides, it's alot safer up here. And we have atleast a 3 day journey in front of us..."

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: Crush looked up at her, "then running on foot is easier for me... and if they check the ground i'll be sure to rid them from it..." He started up again.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: She thought for a minute. 'Wait...didn't...didn't you have orders to kill me?" She had an idea.

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: He winced hating her bringing that up. He sighs and walks on and nods as if saying yes.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: " know...instead of just barging in there..." She hopped down and looked at him. "You could bring me in...and then...we can just sabatage from the inside out. make them think that you are still loyal to them and then kaboom! Up goes their facility...and hoefully Shuna will be there and okay and wanting to see refuge!"

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: He looked at her in a bit of worry. He thought through her plan then looked at her, "I can try... but i need to get somethings..." He knew if he looked like this he wouldn't pass as loyal at all he need his military clothes and his badges and what not. He also needed at least a hand gun on him.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: "Hrm...I hope it works. After all, you get to carry me in there." She had an evil grin on her face. "So where did you leave all of your stuff?"

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: "Follow me and keep quiet...stay in the trees and stay hidden..." He ran into the woods and stops at a tree and knocked in morase code. A man shape come from the tree and grips his neck, "who dare tresspass..." Crush pulled his shirt aside showing a lage scar on his shoulder. The man drops him and grins, "Crush... long time no see my friend... come for your things... just a moment..." He disappeared. Crush rubs his throat.

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira did as she was told and stayed hidden. She didn't know who this man was but he smelled like an enemy.

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: Crush was suddenly pushed back and had clothes in his hands and his things in a duffel bag. The man sliglhy yelled, "Now Get!" Crush got his things and wanted to hit the man but nods and walks off then ran. He ran for a good mile then stops and sets the bag down and his clothes. He sighs lightly and starts to strip changing into his standard military uniform. He didn't care if Katira watched he didn't mind her. He grabs his gun pulls it back seeing it full he slid it into his pants and then shouldered his bag looking far katira in the trees

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: She watched him and then stepped out. 'Who was that?"

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: "A man in my unit... he's were..." He cracks his neck and walks. "He's a keeper of things... that was like a posting area... only a small place to store things..." {g2g and g2 Lab@Wolfs United havn't got far but thats were we can post for our plot ok?}

2006-03-09 [eyes of frost]: ((OKidokey!)) She sighed. 'Alright. But if he turns you ni for anything that gives me free reign to kill him."

2006-03-09 [Yudan333]: Crush walks, "Ignore him... he's not the problem... Kern is... But I don't think were likely to run into him..." He went silent and pics up his pace running.

2006-03-10 [The Witch's Cat]: ((Sorry I've been gone for so long...Death takes its toll))Frizzy wanderd around,crying slightly.

2006-03-10 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked at Frizzy and rose a brow in confusion.

2006-03-10 [kagome-180]: Sora stared at the sky.

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked over to the pup and wolfs. He shook his head a bit.

2006-03-11 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at Darsha,"What"

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha shook his head saying nothing and looked around once more observing the pack and protecting it.

2006-03-11 [kagome-180]: Sora sighed.

2006-03-11 [DELTA 1]: blitz layed in a tree cleaning his rifle and scanning the horizon for anything "huh this is turning out to get better and better"

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: Cry came out of her den and layed down. She closed her eyes and started to drift a little bit. "Why have things changed? It was nice...before...with no part drama. It was...peaceful..." Cry thought to herself with her eyes closed. She thought of the hunts and how she was starting to make friends and she was getting used to everyone until the Katagaria showed up...then everything changed.

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked over to Cry seeing her at unease. He looked to her deeply and sighs then opens his mental powers, ~'Cry... what seems to be the matter... you aren't usually so glum...'~

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: Cry looked at him and sighed. She turned back around. "Our peace...has been...invaded..."

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked at her, ~'Not invaded... just disturbed... you must be to hard on the new breed they are every bit wolf as they are human...'~

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: She laughed a little bit. "Too human for any of us. Even you..." Cry somehow liked Darsha. Even though he could be an asshole sometimes. He was always friendly to her. Why/ She didn't know. She kinda just wished he would treat her like everyone else. She sighed and got up walking over to him. "I envy them in a way Darsha..."

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: He tilts his head watching her come at him, he followed her eyes as she lay beside him. He lowers his ears when she spoke, "How so..." He looked into her eyes with his cold grey ones.

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: "They...can change shape while I can only blend into the shadows and travel..." She sighed and looked away. Finally...he was treating her like the others. It made her feel accepted. Why? She hadn't the faintiest.

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: He looked away and sighs lightly, "Shape shifters of the darkness..." He knew all about the shadows. His cold grey eyes became dull and emotionless as usual.

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: "I wish I could shapeshift..." She layed down and nuzzled him playfully.

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked over to her and watched her, he had a faint smile, "and why do you wish that?"

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: She sighed. "I told yo uI envied them." She stood up and tackled him. He was always fun to play was Yudan. They had taken her in when she was little...after she had been badly abused. Maybe that was why they treated her so different. Like...a mother and father...almost..."You should come and see what I have done with my den...I made it...homey..."

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha nods and looked up to her, when she tackled him he was only a bit suprised. "if you allow me too."

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: "Okay!" She got off him and sprinted towards her den.

2006-03-11 [Yudan333]: Darsha Followed 

((new plot? no ones here LOL at dens XD))

2006-03-11 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy had been litsening to their conversation."I hate them..."she mutterd to herself.She walked to a small den.To most it would be considerd a fox den, but it was hers,know that she had no parents.

2006-03-14 [Clive Scorch]: Felil woke from his slumber and rose painstakingly to all fours with a loud pop of dislocated joints. He yelped out in pain as broken bones snapped into place and as old pains ran through his body anew. "Every morning the same thing," he thought "When will this torture end...this lonely decay?" He sighed aloud as he began pacing the ground trying to reorient himself.

2006-03-15 [kagome-180]: Sora went on a walk by herself thinking while she was walking.

2006-03-15 [Princess Mononoke]: San was laying up in a tree. She was throwing an apple up and catching it. She stopped and missed it. She looked down at Sora. The apple hit Mono on the head and he lifted it up. "Watch what your dropping." he said and laid his head back on his paws, leaving Sora alone.

2006-03-16 [DELTA 1]: blitz stood out in the middle of the field watching them smoking a human cigarette "man i realy need to get some combat in me" blitz finished the cigarette and walked toward the forest

2006-03-16 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at Mono,"Hi."

2006-03-21 [Clive Scorch]: Felil walked over to what was left of the cougar carcass and scavanged bits of meat off of the bones.

2006-03-21 [DELTA 1]: blitzed yawned and pulled out a pistol and shot in the air 7 times to warn them not to look

2006-03-21 [DELTA 1]: blitz kept walking taking off his clothes going to a hotspring only he knows about

2006-03-21 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy growled listening to the shots."I hate that sound" she whimperd.She wanted to yell as loud as she could that that was how her mother was killed and the next time she herd that sound, whoever made it she would tear them to pieces alive."How violent you are young one."A white crow said from the back of the den."Shut up, and stop seeing my thoughts.

2006-03-22 [DELTA 1]: blitz got in the hotspring and sunk in closing his eyes liking the feel of the hot water

2006-03-22 [kagome-180]: Sora heard the gun shots and ran tword them

2006-03-23 [DELTA 1]: blitz heard her running and tryed to cover himself "SORA KEHHHH" blitz blushed she was looking at him naked

2006-03-24 [Clive Scorch]: Felil growled and the hackles on his back stood up as he heard the gunshots. Anyone paying attention to his thoughts saw violent flashes of something hunting a family of wolves, killing them all, cubs, females, and males alike. These figures tore their flesh off and began to dance around in them insanely, contorting, shifting, and convulsing in the silence of night.

2006-03-26 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy paced back and forth."I can't stay in here..."She mutterd to the crow.Frizzy ran out of her den and ran in a random direction.Her eyes glazed over, and before she new it she head first in Felil's chest.Frizzy recoiled back."Sorry... I didn't mean to..."She gasped. Her ribs showed greatly when she wasn't breathing hard, but now they were dramatized.A few sexonds later her eyes rolled back and she callapsed

2006-03-26 [Clive Scorch]: Felil turned towards her and and inspected her body before he nudged her over under the shelter of a tree. He then pulled a leg off of the cougar's carcass and dragged it to her thinking she might be hungry when she woke. He laid out in the open incase any predators came along so that they would see only him.

2006-03-26 [Yudan333]: {[REMINDER Go to] Dens@Wolfs United [Make sure to update yours!]}

2006-03-26 [kagome-180]: Sora looked around and saw some bullets on the ground and grunted,"....."

2006-03-27 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy's eyes flutterd open.She first noticed the leg of a cougar.She stared at it, then licked it and sighed.Frizzy looked up at Felil.She smiled a little realizing he was a lone wolf."My dad was a lone wolf..." she said to him; getting up and sitting infront of him.

2006-03-27 [DELTA 1]: blitz got dressed it wasnt sora it was something blitz got up and aimed a pistol when he looked the things eyes were blood red blitz knew what it was "LYCAN" blitz loaded a clip of silver bullets in his pistol and shot the lycan 10 times before it dropped "oh shit there back"

2006-03-27 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy jumped and turned around."I swear, I'm going to KILL who ever that is."

2006-03-27 [Clive Scorch]: Felil tilted his head at her statement and looked at her with his pale eyes. "I'm afraid I don't understand why you brought that up... I apologize, I am Felil, and you are?" He nodded politely, his ears perking at the gunshots and his hackles standing again. "Need to take that child's weapons..."

2006-03-29 [kagome-180]: Sora ran and tackeled Blitz then growled at him for shooting the gun...

2006-03-29 [DELTA 1]: blitz looked in her eyes scared like a little kid "sora"

2006-03-29 [kagome-180]: Sora growled at him and took the gun away,"........"

2006-03-29 [DELTA 1]: blitzs eyes were realy wide he ould hardly move

2006-03-29 [kagome-180]: Sora burryied the gun then sat in front of him.

2006-03-29 [DELTA 1]: blitz stared at the ground scared

2006-03-29 [kagome-180]: Sora smiled at him,"There's no need to be scared."

2006-03-29 [DELTA 1]: "th-those things they killed my mother"

2006-03-29 [kagome-180]: "What things?"

2006-03-29 [DELTA 1]: blitz motioned toward a body sitting on the ground a couple yards away and started to shiverin the springs

2006-03-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy glared in the direction of the shots, and a deep growl rumbled in the back of her throat."Dear, dear.Listen to you.Takeing after your father no doubt.Sound just like him."The white raven cawed from above.Frizzy spun around and glared at the bird,"I am nothing like him."She nodded to Felil, then walked away.The raven sighed,"You are more than you think child.Then again,I wouldn't be too haisty to admit a wolf like him was my father.Killing his own pack, mainly the little ones.It's a mystery how you escaped alive." He nodded to Felil,"I am Torgen.Adviser of The Deaths Sight, as her full name means.Or its very simalar to that.May I ask yours?"

2006-03-29 [Clive Scorch]: "Hmmm, Death Sight, then how do I look to you?" Answer me first and I will tell you my name.

2006-03-29 [The Witch's Cat]: "Hmmm.What do you mean?Her name simply means that she sees things in past and present.Her father put the word Death in the mix because of an unknown reason.I never did have the chance to ask why."The raven ponderd."He put Death in it,"Frizzy wisperd,"Because that's all I will bring to the ones I love..."

2006-03-29 [Clive Scorch]: "Can't kill what is dead I say," Felil stood with bones crunching and relocating. "Gah, never get used to that," The bullet holes in his entire body, 14 in all, became visible for a split second as he said, "I am Felil, something that is beyond loneliness." He turned and almost fell over on his bad leg, but caught himself and walked into the sunlight.

2006-03-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy watched him."Yes, but there are others around me that I love.My dad is dead as is my mom.They drop like dead flies around me, and there is nothing I can do except run..."

2006-03-29 [eyes of frost]: Kipper walked around looking for Yudan. "Yudan...where are you?" He silently cursed the other, named Katira for giving him to someone that wasn't there for him.

2006-03-29 [Clive Scorch]: "Ahahaha!! Is that what you think? Just how far can you run before the world entire turns against you," Felil asked while turning back around to look at Frizzy. "Running is not the answer, there are other ways, you just need the will to find them."

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: Sora looked at the body,"....So someone died. Your ganna have to move on,if you like it or not."

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: "no take a closer look they arent anything ive ever seen there like wolves just there almost human"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "wear-wolf." she said simply.

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: "kind of but more advanced"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "whats it to you?"

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: "those things they they tortured me raped and killed my mother and they made me watch my father be disected by one of em"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: Sora grunted,"You'll have to over it." she said bluntly and kind of coldly

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: blitz looked at her bluntly "you dont ever get over that especially when they tortured me for years until i escaped"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "Wanna bet?"

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: " how do you know" blitz said pissed

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: Sora stared at him coldly,"I was tortured for years by people like you and I have the scars to prove it."

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: blitz got out of the springs and put on some clothes and walked away from her

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: " of them was your father...."

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: "my father wasnt a man it was a wolf, AND HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT HIM YOU NEVER KNEW HIM"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "You clarely don't know your own father. He was able to turn into a human. He wasn't happy that I was near your housd all the time so her tried to scare me didn't do well."

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: blitz fell to the ground "father no"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: Sora just stared at him.".....your mother was nice though....she wanted me to keep and eye on you when she couldn't."

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: "why when im 2 years older than you"

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "you don't know how old i am..." sora smiled a little.

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: "ok how old are you then" blitz said

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "I'm a year younger than you."((lets say she's 17 and your 18. k?))

2006-03-30 [DELTA 1]: ((kk)) "well then im still older than you" blitz turned looking her in the eye with bright blue eyes

2006-03-30 [kagome-180]: "So.....i happend to save you a couple of times you just didn't know I did it." Sora stared back with Amber/colebolt eyes

2006-03-31 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy growled."I fail to see the humor in this all."She considerd what Felil had said."True...I don't have a will to do anything except kill every human I can..."

2006-04-01 [Clive Scorch]: "Killing humans, you think they made your life the way it is, or is there something much more sinister pushing them like a shepard does his flock?" Felil smiled letting the bullet holes show again.

2006-04-01 [The Witch's Cat]: "I don't care.They killed my mother for no reason, for that I hate them more than a mistreeted person hates the mistreetor"Frizzy said.

2006-04-01 [Clive Scorch]: "Then you are no better than them and do not deserve to wear the flesh of a wolf," Felil sighed and looked at her. "Look at my wounds child," he said as his skin flayed itself off revealing maggot infest muscle tissue writhing with horrible agony. His organs had turned hard from exposure to the elements, but in all of it, there were bullet holes, stab wounds, horrible scars everywhere, even his eyes let one that he was scarred beyond belief. In an instant his skin was back and he seemed completely normal.

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